It has been a long while since I used any of the ocean tools so I wanted to put something together that would incorporate them. I decided to create a wind farm as an example of industrial style animation and for a little bit of modeling practice using reference images.
The wind turbines themselves weren’t particularly tricky to put together. I just worked off a reference of this particular style of turbine. The blades were constructed using a few twist operators to get the shape correct. I created a grid and scattered the turbines uniformly over it. The blades are simply rotated around an axis based on the framerate of the scene and each copy has a random value applied driven by the copy number so that they have different rotations. I did originally exclude one or two from animating as often with wind turbines one may be shut down, but for the puropses of this shot they just looked like I had forgotten them so I turned them on again.
The ocean is driven by a moving displacement to create a calm-ish feel whilst still giving it some life. I used a HDRI for the skybox which I think works well in the scene.
By adding a lot of motion blur to the camera it gives the impression that there is a small drone flying very fast just over the surface of the ocean.
As always, a tidy scene file, is a happy scene file!