Getting cloudy in here
I wanted to have a crack at modelling a slightly more convoluted object than what I’ve generally done before so I had a go at a vape tank and mod. All the textures aside from their imperfections were created in Redshift (apart from the screen which I designed in Illustrator). The leather backing is entirely procedural made from using noise and displacement.
Whilst still mainly hard surface modelling, with which I am a bit more proficient at than organic, the unusual shape of the vape and the various intricacies on the surface made this one an interesting challenge.
I broke down the geometry into various different shapes to make the object as a whole easier to visualise and added detail from there. The main central area on the tank was created using a series of booleans driven by edited cubes rotated around the Y axis.
I added the battery and animated the whole thing coming together to make the final render a bit more lively. I’m pretty happy with how this one turned out!
As always, a tidy scene file, is a happy scene file!